IN ONE ACCORD, by the Will of the Father; in the Name of Jesus; and by the Sovereignty of his Spirit: WE, The Church of Jesus Christ Forever, formed by the life and principles of our Founder, born in the true righteousness of Christ our Lord: the Honorable Reverend Rose M. Aluli, do, before all men and women of this our nation, the United States of America, and all nations large and small, near and abroad; of all creeds, of every color, and of any policy be it free or captive, industrious or dependent, prosperous or in need; to all those seeking to know Him, who created all things by the Word made flesh, and to all those sharing like Faith, of Grace most precious and true: form and, by such emulation, decree, freely and with prayer: a perfect Church, born of the New Jerusalem Mother, without spot or wrinkle: a Virgin church not born of Man, but of God.
Conceived by the Spirit of the Living God; fully redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior, We, in one accord, do enter into a most sacred Covenant – new and eternal, forever documented in the Heavens – that his Church is washed, anointed, pure, and everlasting; called, chosen, and faithful; made in his image and after his likeness without sin, because of his sinlessness and her most perfect walk before all Mankind.
WE, The Church, join as One to pledge our lives and liberties – such liberties made perfect and granted by his plan of Creation and divine purpose – to his Will so fulfilled in heaven; now in Earth.
WE call upon All of the heavens to so witness our Declaration: to his eternal glory be honor and praise forever and ever. Amen.
WE, The Church of Jesus Christ Forever, so spoken of by the holy Apostles and Prophets; and so shepherded by her hand, do set our names to this Declaration forever held in the Unity of Faith, this fourth day of December, in the Year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and ninety-six.