Why is Rev. Rose M. Aluli The First Manifested Son?

Why is Rev. Rose M. Aluli
The First Manifested Son?

Because she lived all of God in Christ Jesus and the Father spoke it by fulfilling his prophetic word.

The fourth of October, 1979

The Lord spoke to Rose through a prophet “In 69 days thou shalt see the first manifested son.” Two men of the assembly, who heard the word, counted the days and circled the 69th day on the pocket calendars that they carried in their wallets. All forgot about it.

The twelfth of December

69 days later

The Lord met Rose in a supernatural way while she sat in her home. The Spirit of the Lord, as the anointing of the Holy God, settled on her. Then the Spirit spoke, I’ve changed you. I’ve changed you. I’ve changed you this day.

Later that week about twenty from her congregation gathered for lunch at a local coffee shop. As all visited, Rose began to tell the supernatural experience of the Lord changing her. The two men seated near her, hearing the story, reached into their back pockets. Independently, each looked at their calendars and saw that same day circled: It was 69 days.

They confirmed what God had spoken. Rose had changed. Rose is the first manifested son. God said so. It came to pass on the day he said it would. From then on Rose walked as a son of God as Jesus walked. Jesus had taken up full residency in her. Christ had come again.


The First Manifested Son,

obtaining Flesh & Bone like her Beloved.